SBCC students on a field trip.

Geology Field Courses


Pre/Co-Requisite Challenge for Field Courses

In order to register for any field course through Earth and Planetary Sciences, a student must be currently enrolled or have taken one of the following courses:  ERTH 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 122, 125, 126, 131, 132, 141, 151 or ENVS 115 or GEOG 101.  If you do not fulfill the Pre/Co-Requisite, you can challenge the requirement. To learn more, please read:   Pre/Co-Requisite Challenge for Field Courses.

To challenge the Pre/Corequisite Requirement

All students without the pre/corequisite MUST meet with or email Kristen Sneddon ( to discuss challenging the pre/corequisite and registering for the class. If taking the challenge quiz is the best option, it is encouraged that the student review the Topics of Study packet and meet with a geology tutor in order to be introduced to some essential background material for successful completion of the course. The student should have a basic understanding of (1) Rocks and the Rock Cycle, (2) Plate Tectonics, and (3) Geologic Time. Quiz results will be emailed and an additional meeting scheduled if needed.

For more information and to download forms, please go to the SBCC Prerequisite and Corequisite information page 

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