![HIT student with equipment](/careercenter/careereducationmajors/files/HIT.png)
Careers in Health Information Technology (HIT) and Cancer Information Management (CIM)
Use the links and videos on this page to consider options in this field. For career advice taking your educational goal, interests, personality, skills, and experience into consideration, drop in at the Career Center or make an appointment with a Career Counselor. For specific course planning, see an academic counselor.
SBCC Offerings
Scroll to Health Information Management and Health Informatics of this page in healthcare-sciences section of this comprehensive website for an overview of the field and employers, and to get strategies to succeed
Use this robust database with career descriptions, salaries, education needs to research medical records and health information technician occupation or medical health service manager in particular or, more broadly, see health information
Click here for further exploration of careers in health care, management, and administration
Consider doing an information interview, job shadow, or internship with a local employer. This local list is a start!