Campus Facilities Information
Below are reports and information related to COVID-19 and SBCC Campus Facilities.
Please note, the latest pandemic updates for our SBCC Campus Community is found on the SBCC Coronavirus (COVID-19) main page.
- Daily restroom sanitation for all campus core buildings, including cleaning logs located on the back of the restroom doors that state when the restroom was last cleaned.
- HVACS units are cleaned and sanitized bi-annually.
Cleaning Equipment
Touchless sanitizing equipment for restroom and classroom cleaning have been purchased and are being used. Custodial also developed a comprehensive cleaning plan for the campus.
CDC Guidelines
Surface disinfection has been shown to be effective for preventing secondary transmission of SARS-CoV-2 between an infected person and other people within households. However, there is little scientific support for routine use of disinfectants in community settings, whether indoor or outdoor, to prevent SARS-CoV-2 transmission from fomites. In public spaces and community settings, available epidemiological data and QMRA studies indicate that the risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission from fomites is low—compared with risks from direct contact, droplet transmission or airborne transmission. Routine cleaning performed effectively with soap or detergent, at least once per day, can substantially reduce virus levels on surfaces. When focused on high-touch surfaces, cleaning with soap or detergent should be enough to further reduce the relatively low transmission risk from fomites in situations when there has not been a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 indoors. In situations when there has been a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 indoors within the last 24 hours, the presence of infectious virus on surfaces is more likely and therefore high-touch surfaces should be disinfected. (CDC Guidance)
Expectations for Individuals on Campus
In accordance with the College COVID-19 Prevention and Response Plan, employees, vendors, and guest, be advised of the Districts mandatory face covering and physical distancing policy. SBCC requires that individuals refrain from coming to campus if experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, and to wash hands frequently.
Current campus protocols are posted on the Covid-19 Information Website
Campus Safety has cleaning and sanitizing products available. There are several types of cleaning products (spray bottles and/or wipes) for surfaces and electronic devices. Supplies will be continued to be purchased and provided by Campus Safety and Purchasing, individual departments do not need to purchase their own. Campus Safety has cleaning supplies on hand and ready for employees to pick up.
Please email to arrange picking up or for possible delivery.
We continue to process a variety of facility rental requests through SBCC Community Events, while following strict accordance to Santa Barbara County Public Health Guidelines.
Campus Safety and Facilities installed across all three campus locations standing and wall mounted hand sanitizing stations. Campus Safety also has hand sanitzer bottles for desk or shared areas.
All hand sanitizer products are available at Campus Safety to be picked up for offices/classroom spaces, please email to obtain them.
Stock will be monitored by staff. If you notice supplies are empty or running low, please notify facilities, via Facilities work order.
The health guard installation process for Wake, Schott and Cliff Campus high traffic areas and shared spaces is underway. Many individual offices are not suitable for health guards due to their layout, small size and lack of public access.
Office spaces have been assessed for retrofitted health guards. These measures will nevertheless help maintain a safe and healthy work environment going forward. We also understand the need to maintain the inviting feel of the campus and keep this in mind during the installation process.
Health guards are made with PlexiGlass custom fabricated stands to fit each unique space. To request health guard installation for your area if one is not already installed, please submit a Facilities work order.
Health Guards Installation Process
- Employees are encouraged to view the Health Guard Installation List. This list will show completed or in progress areas and photos. We encourage staff to come to campus and see their work space.
- For modifications or to requests a health guard, please submit a Facilities work order.
- For installation of health guards in classroom spaces, please submit a Facilities work order.
(Scroll down to see Reports)
Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Assessment
Palt and Associates, an HVAC specialist consulting firm, completed 2021 HVAC assessments across all three campuses. These HVAC assessments were performed prior to HEPA air purifier installations, and with all windows and doors closed, in order to test the air exchange rate produced by the HVAC system alone.
The scope of work was to test supply airflows for all indicated classrooms, lecture halls and offices to determine Air Change Rates for each room/area.
All tested airflows listed in the reports below can only be used to evaluate the condition of the HVAC system. The standards referenced herein are meant to evaluate the HVAC systems only and cannot in any way be used in regards to health and safety recommendations. Recommendations listed in this report are based on current Centers for Disease Control (CDC), National Environmental Balancing Bureau (NEBB) and similar organization’s knowledge, recommendations, and suggestions.
The HVAC assessment reports provide tested supply airflow data and subsequent air change rates. Only HVAC systems providing outside airflow to rooms were tested.
ASHRAE standards are a requirement for any new building design.
Each building on campus was designed to meet existing American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) standards at the time they were designed. Our older buildings are not required to meet current ASHRAE standards.
All of the District facilities are in compliance with the current California Department of Public Health, Higher Education Guidelines, specific to ventilation, as follows:
- Increasing our HVAC outside air ventilation to 100%.
- Having all HVAC systems run continuously.
- Continued use of MERV-13 filters within HVAC systems.
- Opening windows, where possible.
- Placing portable HEPA air purifiers, where possible.
Based on these guidelines and recent modifications to our HVAC systems, all of our
offices and classrooms meet or exceed all federal and state guidelines and we are,
therefore, confident that our offices and classrooms are prepared to be occupied.
The scope of work was to test supply airflows for all indicated classrooms, lecture halls and offices to determine air change rates for each room/area. All tested airflows listed in the report can only be used to evaluate the condition of the HVAC system. The standards referenced are meant to evaluate the HVAC systems only and cannot in any way be used in regard to health and safety recommendations. Air change rate levels listed in these reports are based on current ASHRAE Standard recommendations.
- The first report "Supply Airflow Testing Report" HVAC assessments were performed in May of 2021 for all buildings prior to HEPA air purifier installations, and with all windows and doors closed, in order to test the air change rate produced by the HVAC system alone.
- The second reports referred to as "Supply Airflow Testing Report REV 1" reports were completed subsequently in June 2021 to retest classrooms and offices after repairs, adjustments and modifications were performed in these areas. These second reports are for areas within the buildings that did not meet the ASHRAE requirements in specific areas.
- A third and Final set of assessments was performed on a sampling of spaces that did not meet the recommended air change rate and will include having HEPA air purifiers as a part of the air change rate testing.
Building Reports conducted during 2021:
- Administration:
- Business Communications:
- Campus Center
- Campus Store:
- Cosmetology:
- Drama Music:
- Earth Biological Sciences:
- East Campus Classrooms:
- East Campus Office Center:
- English Second Language:
- Facilities & Operations:
- Humanities
- Hotel Restraunt Culinary Arts:
- Interdisciplinary Center:
- International Education Center:
- Library / Learning Resource Center:
- Marine Technology:
- Occupational Education:
- Orfalea Early Learning Center/Childrens Center:
- Physical Science:
- Purchasing, Security, Faculty Resource Center:
- Schott Campus:
- Sports Pavillion, Physcial Education, Life Fitness Center:
- Student Services
- West Campus Classroom
- Wake Campus:
Other Reports
- Supply Airflow Testing Report (select Summer classrooms Adm, DM, EBS, Hum, PE, PS, WCC)
- Offices HVAC Assessment Summary/Results
- Classroom HVAC Assessment Summary/Results
Supply Airflow Testing Reports Updates
A second set of supplemental assessments will be performed on a sampling of spaces that did not meet the recommended air exchange rate. The supplemental reports will include having HEPA air purifiers as a part of the air exchange rate testing. These assessments are planned to be completed by Fall 2021.
HVAC/Ventilation All Campus Presentation 07/02/2021
- Presentation/ZOOM PPT (July 2, 2021)
- Question and Answers from July 2, 2021 ZOOM Presentation
- Youtube Recording of the July 2, 2021 ZOOM Presentation
Campus Safety has PPE products available. There are several types of face coverings and gloves available. Supplies will be continued to be purchased and provided by Campus Safety and Purchasing, individual departments do not need to purchase their own.
To obtain the PPE your department needs, please email
High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) Air Purifier
What does a HEPA air purifier do?
All classrooms will have HEPA air purifiers installed by August 16, 2021. The size
of the HEPA air purifiers are matched to the square footage of the office, classroom
or shared space.
Palt and Associates, the Districts HVAC specialist consulting firm, recommended the District purchase HEPA Air Purifiers from Medify Air and Spycor Environmental.
Air purifiers are available for individuals to request, please sutbmit a Facilities work order to request one.
Other Ventilation Information
During the 2020 and 2021 year, Facilities staff is completing window repairs to allow
for increased ventilation.
The Facilities & Operations Work Order system may be reached at:
Contact Chris Renbarger - Assistant Superintendent / Vice President, Business Services for more information
The below Live Information Documents are updated periodically with new information: