ERTH 112 - History of the Earth
This class will take you on a journey through the geologic time scale with a twist!
The course structure will be in the format of a game wherein each module will be a
level. Each must be completed to level up! Adapting to online learning has challenges
and opportunities-- so let’s have some fun with the new online format!
The objective of this course is to examine the methods of scientific inquiry into the Earth's past and then construct a credible account of the origin and evolution of our planet and its inhabitants. In the broadest sense, we will be using the scientific method to interpret the Earth’s history.
The objective of this course is to examine the methods of scientific inquiry into the Earth's past and then construct a credible account of the origin and evolution of our planet and its inhabitants. In the broadest sense, we will be using the scientific method to interpret the Earth’s history.
![Mendes profile photo](/earthscience/images/Mendes%20Profile%20Picture.jpg)
Instructor: Stephanie Mendes
Lab: ERTH 112L: Historical Geology Lab
ERTH 112L Historical Lab will be offered again in Spring 2024. Please check back then!
Let me know if you have any questions.