![campus shot large](/csea/images/campusd-20_1024px.jpg)
Classified Consultation Group
What We Do
The Classified Consultation Group (CCG) provides an extended opportunity for college
classified staff to consult on issues brought to the College Planning Council. The
College Planning Council (CPC) is the primary consultation group for college issues. The
CPC consists of administration, faculty, staff and student representatives. The classified
staff are represented by three individuals appointed by CSEA.
Meeting Times
The CCG usually meets the Monday before the College Planning Council (CPC) meeting. These
meetings are held at 2 p.m. in CC223 or in another designated location.
CPC Representatives on CCG
Liz Auchincloss - Chair of the CCG
Cheryl Brown
Raquel Hernandez-Alvarado
MaryLou Huerta
Regina Reese
Beth Taylor-Schott
CCG Members (based on job classification):
Clerical/Secretarial, Library/Media, Communications: Jesse Felix
Business Services (BS) - Bookstore/Fiscal Services/Food Services/Warehouse: VACANT
Information Technology: Erik Erhardt
Athletics/Theater/Health Services: Michael Gamboa
Student Services - DSPS/EOPS/International/SPA: Valdas Karalis
Student Services - Admin/Transcript/Financial Aid/Assessment: Josephine Tapia
Student Services - Instructional Support and Library/Media: VACANT
Student Services - Member at Large: Sara Volle