![Bougainvillea is a native flower to Santa Barbara and grows outside of SBCC's Student Services Building.](/boardoftrustees/images/flowers.png)
Suggest a Policy or Procedure Review
Board Policies and Administrative Procedures undergo regular review. Required review is initiated in one of two ways:
- As a result of twice yearly legal updates.
- As part of the College’s published review schedule.
Additionally, AP 2410 allows for any community member to request development or revision of a policy or procedure. Your input helps maintain policies that reflect the evolving needs and values of our college community. If you would like to suggest a revision or addition, please complete this online form to request consideration.
The Board President and Superintendent/President evaluate suggestions for Board Policies. The Superintendent/President evaluates suggestions for Administrative Procedures. You will be notified whether your suggestion is approved to move forward in the review process. For details of this procedure, see AP 2410.
Prioritization: scheduled reviews, legal updates, and requests from Board of Trustees or College Leadership take precedence over ad hoc requests. Where an ad hoc request may involve an urgent matter of safety or security, priority may be elevated.
Thank you for your contribution to continuous improvement.
For any questions or further assistance, please contact the Executive Assistant in the Office of the Superintendent/President at rsboss@pipeline.sbcc.edu.
Request to Revise a Board Policy or Administrative Procedure